Peter Akkies

Peter Akkies Profile Photo

Productivity teacher, YouTuber, course creator.

Peter Akkies teaches people how to stay on top of their day-to-day tasks while also achieving their long-term goals. Peter has developed a following teaching people to leverage technology and implement tools to stay on top of their day-to-day tasks and projects. He has a very popular YouTube channel (@PeterAkkies) where he discusses productivity, Apple, and lifestyle, with a special focus on to-do apps.

To connect with Peter and explore more of his content on personal productivity visit these links:

Peter's Blog:
Peter's Courses:
Peter's YouTube Channel:
Peter's Podcast:

Dec. 11, 2022

Boost Your Personal Productivity with Expert Peter Akkies

Ever heard the term “work smarter, not harder?” In this episode, we tackle that concept through a discussion with productivity expert and YouTube personality, Peter Akkies. Peter has developed a following teaching people to l...

Listen to the Episode