Rose Lopiano

Rose Lopiano Profile Photo

Vegan Fitness Coach

Rose is a health and fitness coach and founder of The Plant Life Chose Us 1-1 Coaching Program. Her mission is to teach women how to step into the healthiest versions of themselves while maintaining their BUSY lives. Through her "PIMP" nutrition method and only 2 at home strength workouts per week, Rose and her team has taught hundreds of women how to achieve and maintain the bodies of their dreams. Rose's mission is "lets make food fun" and "eating healthy should be quick and easy."
Her favorite client is her mom who started her fitness journey after turning 60.
DM her "PLCU" on Instagram for instant access to her yummy recipes.

Feb. 12, 2023

The Pivot to a Purpose Driven Career, a Conversation With Rose LoPian…

Have you ever had that sinking feeling that your career isn't in alignment with your purpose? Ever felt the itch to make a change but are unsure how? Today, we are joined by Rose Lopiano, the founder of "The Plant …

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